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Flag-ship (n)

  1. the main ship in a commercial fleet
  2. the most important or prestigious among a group of similar and related things

Flagship Enterprises is the one-stop shop for buying, connecting and simplifying your cell phone world. Yes, that crazy world that has more amendments than the judicial system. Flagship Enterprises is named after “the ship” that is going in a cellular direction everyone wants to follow. So, use your portability and jump onboard the ship!

Portability: the latest amendment.

The most recent commercials tell us in addition to the 101 choices we have in purchasing a cell phone, we now have portability – meaning, you can take your phone number with you. Your natural reaction might be, “Take it where? So now I'm portable AND mobile? At this rate we could soon be moveable, transferable and changeable, forcing most of the general public to consult a user handbook before placing a simple telephone call!"

Who has time to figure out all these variables? How will you know if you are getting the most for your money? Before you hand in your cell phone and switch back to your trusted rotary phone, talk to the professionals at Flagship Enterprises whose employees have the knowledge you need to make a smart cellular decision.

Why Flagship?
If you were to visit retail locations for every carrier, it would cost you time, gas money and brain power. By the time you reviewed your choices and compared them to your needs and budget, you would need a file cabinet just to sort the rate plans, phone choices and coverage options. Don't shop multiple stores and websites to find the exact services Flagship offers. At Flagship, you can review all the offers from every carrier at their store, or on their website launching January 2004. Tell them your budget, coverage needs, phone preferences and pain points from your former cellular company. They will tighten the options for you.

Bill Analysis
Flagship offers a unique dimension of consulting called Bill Analysis. A customer may request a one-time or recurring bill analysis to occur monthly, quarterly or annually. Flagship will analyze your cell phone bill and find the balance between the charges and the rate plan. For example, if the rate plan was chosen by a company for employee phones and the majority of the consumers were not utilizing the allotted minutes, then the customer may be better off with a less expensive rate plan and less minutes. Or vise versa.

Another scenario is if the customer's contract is close to end and they have multiple complaints about their carrier and/or rate plan. The solution may be to switch to a carrier who is a better fit for the customer. But how do you pinpoint your exact problem and know where to find the solution? Flagship can do this. Also, the end of the contract may be a good time to switch phones as well. For example, if the customer's needs could be better met with a two-way (walky talky) cell phone then it may be more viable to switch to Nextel and purchase those phones. Flagship can give you this advice.

Services are constantly changing and Flagship understands it is difficult to keep up. This is why their invested relationships with customers are indispensable – as you go through phones, rate plans, contracts and carriers, Flagship will be the one constant facet. This way they can continue to serve you more effectively through the life of the relationship. The options are endless and the method to the madness has many variables. Flagship is trained to understand these variables and they are excited to find the method to your cell phone madness.

Flagship Enterprises is valuable to the technically challenged; the busy tech master; the online shopper; the impatient shopper; and the on-a-budget shopper…you get the idea, and you already have the invitation to sail with Flagship.

And if that still doesn't entice you –

Owner, Donovan Bailey has teamed up with Angela Brannon of Partying for a Purpose. Her organization produces special events and programs to benefit children's charities. Difference for a Day and Toys from the Heart are two innovative programs that enhance the lives of less fortunate children. Donovan is looking for people, or businesses, to match his five-dollar donation from every phone activated at Flagship.

Flag-ship (v)

  1. Customer Service
  2. Professional Consultants



By, Wendy Wikstrom
The DeLucia Script
725 words



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